Islamic Relief and LDS Church Join Forces To Help Samoa Relief Effort

I don’t know of any other aid or church organisation or government agency that is working together with Islamic humanitarian organisations to bring relief.  This information was buried in the media release sent earlier and some will have missed if they didn’t read the entire release. It goes to show what’s possible if we really want peace in this world.

The delivery of Church humanitarian aid often involves partnerships with other organizations and individuals.  In the case of the Samoan response, Islamic Relief funded a significant portion of the cost of the flight of the goods which the Church is supplying.  Another portion of the flight cost was donated by Rex Maughan, a former Latter-day Saint missionary to Samoa who is known to many Samoans because of his establishment of the Robert Louis Stevenson Foundation which works to preserve important historical and natural sites in the country.  The final portion of the cost of the flight was funded by the Church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

One Comment on “Islamic Relief and LDS Church Join Forces To Help Samoa Relief Effort”

  1. Alan Gutierrez says:

    Thanks LDS Church for you Relief….We Love u…

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