Survivor Samoa Screens in New Zealand

survivor-samoaIt debuted on TV3 tonight at 7.30. I only caught the last ten minutes.  ‘I’ll be watching it, if only to see if I can steal glimpse  the beauty that is ,or was, the South Coast of Upolu(it will be returned to its former glory). I thought it would be hard to watch the series after  last month’s tsunami.  But the desire to see Samoa  on TV won out. I also wanted to spot the Samoans behind the scenes.  I’m hoping that a few of the workers have found a way to walk casually in front of the cameras  during the shooting. So their rellies can point them out at each viewing.

Survivor host Jeff Probst wrote that local Samoan labour built the tribal council. All the construction work on set was built by Samoan carpenters and builders on the island. The local women of the villages wove the mats.  That’s something Samoa can definitely be proud of.  Love you Samoa. See you soon one day. xox


Interview with First Eliminated Contestant

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