Child Sex Abuse Inquiries Extend to Pacific As Police Investigate NZ School Principal; Hotline Set Up

If you have information on this man Richard Fallowfield Joel, 61, who is facing 41 child sex abuse charges related to young boys, please call this New Zealand toll free number: 0800 337889

[tweetmeme]New Zealand media report this morning:

The investigation into a Wellington school principal accused of molesting six boys has spread to Thailand, Europe and across the Pacific.

“We have numerous witnesses to see and will undertake these inquiries over coming months,” he said. “Although there are still many more inquiries to complete, it is likely that further charges will be laid.”

Richard Fallowfield Joel, 61, principal of Rewa Rewa School in Newlands, is facing 41 child abuse charges and police say it is likely more charges will be laid.

A detective is flying to a Pacific country this week and inquiries are being conducted in Thailand where Joel was known to regularly holiday.

Inquiry head Detective Inspector Mike Arnerich thanked those who had provided information so far.

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