Opera Singers Unite To Sing ‘We Are Samoa’; CD Now on Sale


Opera Nation Samoa Tsunami

[tweetmeme]Samoan Tsunami sets off Operatic Waves

Samoan opera singers from around the world have come together to record Jerome Grey’s iconic song ‘We Are Samoa’ to raise funds for the victims of the devastating tsunami that struck the islands.

International opera star Jonathan Lemalu, the 2009 Lexus Aria Soprano Aivale Cole and multi-award winning tenor Ben Makisi are among the singers that have recorded the single as part of ‘Opera Nation Samoa Tsunami’ (ONSTsU).

Together with Samoa-based soprano Daphne Collins, bass baritone Eddie Muliaumaseali’i and opera singer Sani Muliaumaseali’i, their classical treatment of ‘We Are Samoa’, arranged by composer Opeloge Apulu Ah Sam and backed by the MV Ensemble, will be launched in Auckland on Tuesday December 8.

Sani Muliaumaseali’i, who started the ONSTsU initiative from London, says: “This project was borne out of a need to help all victims of this disaster, first and foremost to help the victims who live in Samoa and who suffered directly and secondly for the many, like myself, who live abroad but also suffer because Samoa lives in us.”

The tsunami killed 186 people when it struck in September, 143 of those in Samoa, and aid such as health care, clean water and emergency shelter is much needed.

“There’s so much to be done to help the recovery and as singers we’ve tried to contribute in a way that reflects Samoa’s spirit,” says Muliaumaseali’i. “We want to raise funds for those affected but also contribute something people around the world can hopefully find a little comfort in after such a trauma.”

All proceeds from the sale of the single will go to the International Red Cross in Samoa.

The CD single of ‘We Are Samoa’ will be available to order at the launch event at Oceanikart Gallery in Auckland, 6pm-8pm Tuesday December 8 and to buy by download that day for US$7.50 from http://www.operanationsamoa.com.


NOTICE: Special Ticket Prices (NZ) To Hear International Operatic Singers Ben Makisi & Daphne Collins

Ben Makisi and Daphne Collins are among New Zealand international pride and joy when it comes to talent in the Opera World. They are internationally acclaimed. Not surprisingly, they have perform at some of the most prestigious and significant functions with world leaders including our own government leaders such as former Prime Minister Helen Clark. And wouldn’t you know it, Makisi and Collins just happen to be of Tongan/Samoan (Ben) and Samoan descent (Daphne).

This notice was sent to pacificEyeWitness.org, so please note: we are not involved with this fundraiser so please contact The Edge for more information. There have been many, many fundraisers for the Pacific Tsunami over the past two months. We are, unfortunately, unable to post on all those events.

So if you are in Auckland, or looking for a reason to fly over, this is it.

Hi all

JUST A QUICK REMINDER – LAST FEW DAYS TO GET YOUR SPECIAL TICKET PRICES TO THE PREMIER OF : Opeloge Ah Sam’s STATE OF MIND the new musical which is on at the AOTEA CENTRE Monday Night Nov 30th 7.30pm – 9pm.

To buy online go to www.the-edge.co.nz

HOWEVER : For the next few Days (as long as they last) You can buy tickets for ONLY $10. Simply reply to this email with your order. You can send a cheque addressed to Opeloge Ah Sam : PO BOX 13093 Onehunga or contact Opeloge on 0211 731 921.

It features : A TRIBUTE TO THE SAMOA TSUNAMI (SINGLE RELEASE preview) which features Samoan Opera Stars :
International Lyric Tenor Ben Makisi
International Baritone Jonathan Lemalu
Sani & Eddie Muliaumaseali’i, Aivale Cole & the return of the Sensational Soprano Dahpne Collins
Arranged, Written and Conducted by yours truly.

All proceeds from the CD will go to SAMOA

Hope to see you there with lots of friends 🙂

Tofa Soifua

Operatic Tenor Ben Makisi To Sing At Labour’s FiaFia Fundraiser

It’s expected to be a who’s who of the Pacific community tomorrow night at Labour’s Pacific Sector fundraiser in Auckland. Expect a full turn out with family, friends and supporters of Labour’s Pacific candidates including performances from Auckland’s Cook Islands, Niue and Tongan communities. Read the rest of this entry »