Breaking News: Samoan Boxer David Tua Knock Out Win

He’s the comeback kid alright!  That’s our Samoan boxer David Tua. He knocked out Shane Cameron in a massive knock out in Round 1 and then a final K-O in Round 2 tonight at Hamilton’s Mystery Creek. Game Over on knock out before I could say…burger.

Some great news for a people who really needed something to smile about, however, small in the scheme of things right now. Not that this isn’t a small thing at all. But you know what I mean.

Tua had that lethal left hook and he used it to great effect. We’ve always said there was a lot of Samoan pride at stake here.

I gave up my spot to watch the boxing match in Hamilton after this week’s tragedies.  Actually I chopped and changed my mind right up to Saturday. In the end I settled on text updates from the whanau.  Tua’s win is some much needed good news, and a distraction for now, for a people who need as many reasons to smile as possible.

So, guess which camp will be celebrating this weekend? No guesses here.

Well done David. Well done to  Tua’s wife Robina and family as well who have stuck by him and supported during some tough years. We pray this is a sign of better things to come.

Well, I just wish right now that my texts would be responded to, by those ringside who are still jumping up and down with jubilation. That’ll be right. They must have forgotten they’re supposed to be covering the event, not in it. It’s likely my wonderful colleagues have thrown away their media accreditation passes and celebrating as though they had not a care in the world. Boy, life’s tough covering a boxing match!