Don’t Abandon Samoa – Plea to Australian Holidaymakers

Australian Newspaper The Age reports

Samoa’s Deputy Prime Minister Misa Telefoni has called on Australian holidaymakers to not abandon the tsunami-hit South Pacific country.

Mr Telefoni said last month’s tsunami, triggered by an earthquake, has scared tourists away.

“Ninety per cent of our infrastructure, resorts, hotel rooms and all the different beaches we have were not affected (by the tsunami),” Mr Telefoni told reporters in Brisbane on Saturday.

“What the industry did, which I think is very commendable, is let everybody know that there would be no penalties for cancelling flights or bookings, which about 50 per cent did (cancel holiday bookings).”

Mr Telefoni said cancellations were decreasing.

“I want to let people know it’s still a great place to holiday,” he said.

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