NZ Member of Parliament Lotu-Iiga Vacants Council Seat; Call for Replacement

Media Release
Councillors – Auckland City Council
For Immediate Release

Sam’s Council Vacancy Must Be Filled

Tomorrow night the Auckland City Council will decide whether or not to fill the vacancy generated by the belated resignation of Maungakiekie Member of Parliament Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga as a Tamaki-Maungakiekie Ward Councillor. Council has the choice of leaving the vacancy empty, which would leave only Councillor Richard Northey representing the interests of the residents and businesses of the Maungakiekie Community Board area of about 45,000 people on the Council for the remaining year of Auckland City Council’s life.

Both the Maungakiekie and the Tamaki Community Boards have resolved unanimously to recommend that the vacancy be filled and argued that the experienced and politically independent Maungakiekie Community Board Chair Bridget Graham be appointed to fill the Council vacancy.

Councillor Cathy Casey said, “It has been nearly two years since Sam Lotu-Iiga began to campaign in earnest for a seat in Parliament. The people of Maungakiekie have not been well served during that time. He patently stood for Council as a springboard into Parliament. I personally would like to see a clause in the third Auckland governance bill that ensures that Auckland Councillors immediately stand down if elected to Parliament.

“Bridget Graham is the current Chair of the Maungakiekie Community Board and has the support of all political groups. She will do an excellent job in representing Maungakiekie during these tumultuous times as boundaries are defined and the Supercity amalgamation proceeds,” Councillor Casey continued.

Councillor Glenda Fryer said, “Bridget Graham is a local body politician much loved and trusted for her long service and hard work, from her time as a One Tree Hill Borough Councillor until the 1989 amalgamation to her chairing of the Maungakiekie community board for the last eight years. Were she an Auckland City Councillor, she would very ably represent the community of Maungakiekie as they struggle to make their views heard on the restoration of the Onehunga foreshore, two area plans for future land use, the delay of the Onehunga rail line, and making sure Maungakiekie is well represented during the set up of the Supercity.

“Councilor Richard Northey is doing a wonderful job but there are so many issues on the go for the next year that having Bridget with all her local knowledge would ensure the communities are represented by what they deserve, which is two full-time Auckland City Councillors,” Councillor Fryer concluded.

NZ First: Public Meeting Onehunga; Sept 20th



NEW ZEALAND FIRST – candidates


arrive at 1.45pm for a start at

2.00PM – 4.00 PM



RSVP:   Fleur Lole-Taylor

276 3233 or  email:


2.00 pm Refreshments on arrival Electorate Committee
2.15 pm Greetings and welcome Chair
2.20 pm Overview and update – NZ First Vice President
2.30 pm Speeches NZ First candidates from the Auckland region
3.00 pm Q & A Chair to facilitate
3.30 pm Raffle draws Maungakiekie electorate committee
4.00 pm Finish

Backgrounder on Maungakiekie Electorate; Q & A with Pacific Candidates; Lotu-Iiga and Lole-Taylor

Auckland’s Maungakiekie electorate includes the suburban communities of Penrose, Ellerslie, One Tree Hill, and the Panmure Basin. It was partly redrawn in 2007 and now also includes Royal Oak, Onehunga, and Point England.

The seat is currently held by Labour MP for Maungakiekie Vui Mark Gosche who’s stepping down from politics to be closer to his family in Auckland. Vui has served as electorate MP for Maungakiekie for 8 year…winning a 6450 voting majority over his nearest rival, National’s Paul Goldsmith. The latter scored less than 10,000 votes. Read the rest of this entry »

Q & A:Maungakiekie’s Pacific candidates for National and New Zealand First

Now that a date’s been set for the New Zealand General Election 2008, I’ve invited National’s candidate Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga and Le-Aufa’amulia Asenati Lole-Taylor to take part in an online interview.

Asenati has already responded. She is media savvy this woman. We hope to hear soon from Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga. Sent through an email to his address earlier today. We will publish their responses tomorrow. So watch this space.

Currently the seat is held by retiring Labour MP Vui Mark Gosche who’s held the seat with a 6450 majority. In his place,  CTU Secretary Carol Beaumont will campaign heavily to retain the seat under Labour.