Pacific Media Colleague Returns to NZ For Burial After Samoa Tsunami; Former NiuFM Announcer Dies in Tsunami

Former Aucklander Samoan Peter Letiu died trying to raise the tsunami alarm in Samoa

Former Aucklander Samoan Peter Letiu died trying to raise the tsunami alarm in Samoa

Former Aucklander Peter Letiu, 33, who previously worked at Pacific Media Network (Niufm and 53ipi radio stations in NZ), was among the first bodies found in Samoa after the earthquake and tsunami hit the South Coast of Upolu. His body arrives this afternoon in New Zealand for burial. Peter’s father, who lives in Mangere, Auckland, New Zealand, had been trying for the past week to have his son’s body returned to New Zealand. Peter’s wife and daughter live in Auckland. Peter’s mother lives in Samoa in the village of Saitaoa.

Colleagues at Pacific Media Network’s Ponsonby offices say he died in the line of duty after answering a call to help as a volunteer firefighter. He was in the firefighter’s truck raising the tsunami alarm to local villages when the truck rolled off a steep road, overturning

the truck, at Safa’ato’a.

Samoan Observer reports there were four firefighters in the back of the truck.  Peter was the only reported fatality in this accident. Another passenger broke his jaw, wrist and ribs, another suffered a back injury. Two local boys, Kone Muaiava and Tasi Sene, reportedly stood guard over the overturned truck sleeping overnight. Residents of their village growing taro nearby heard the crash and helped raise the alarm, said Kone.

Tasi Sene reportedly said Peter was alive when he was transported to hospital but died later at Tanumalala.  The steep and wiinding road, they said is considered dangerous, if speeding which is what the fire truck would have been doing in the tsunami emergency.

In an interview with Samoa Observer, Assistant Fire Commissioner Tipaula Laupue says it was the first time they had lost a firefighter in the line of duty.

Like many Samoans, Peter travelled regularly between Samoa and New Zealand with strong family and community ties in both countries.

Samoa’s Fire Commissioner says Peter, who was heavily involved in the advertising media industry in Samoa, also worked as a photographer covering weddings and funerals, played netball for the New Zealand High Commission team and acted as an actor on emergency ads in Samoa. Peter also worked for Samoa’s Fetu FM 104.1 as a radio announcer on the Love Songs To Midnight Show. He also volunteered for a number of organisations, as well as training to be a fully fledged firefighter for Samoa.

In New Zealand, Peter worked for a number of media organisations including Pacific Media Network(PMN), the umbrella group for NiuFM and 531pi Radio Stations in New Zealand, at its Ponsonby offices. He worked in the sales and marketing team.  Sorry Niufmer, I’ve just been corrected: before he went into the sales team, he was also working on air on NiuFM.

When I heard the news of Peter’s death, the memory that comes to mind is one of him always laughing around the office, and it was a cheeky laugh. I can see him in my mind’s eye sitting on the couch at the PMN Reception foyer, hanging out with other hardcase characters like Nate and Jandals, laughing their heads off at some prank they’d just done on another unsuspecting co-worker. Nate!! Sometimes I was tempted to say, ‘get serious’, will ya. He clearly did get serious in Samoa joining the fire brigade and trying to save lives ahead of the tsunami hitting the villages.

Safe Journey Home Peter. All our love. Our condolences to Peter’s father, mother, wife and daughter, and all his family at this time.

Family Service will be held for Peter on Sunday 11th October at 6pm in Mangere, Auckland, NZ, at the Samoan Methodist Church corner of Bader Driver and Elmdon Street. His burial service will be held the following day, Monday 12th October at 10am at the same church.

New Zealand Police Memorial Service To Honour Pacific Tsunami Victims

The New Zealand Police, which has a high number of Samoan police officers, will hold a memorial service  today, Thursday 8th October (NZ time) at:

St Johns Methodist Church
229A Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby
Auckland New Zealand

Service begins: 8:30am

Photo: Saleapaga Children In Happier Times, Fiafia Night 2003, Faofao Beach Fales

Relief Fund Set up for Legalo Family Salaepaga

One of our readers John Baglow from Canada has kindly given permission for to post this photo taken in 2003:

When my partner and I stayed in Saleapaga (Foafoa beach fales) in 2003, we took some pictures during fiafia night: here’s one, and I hope all of the kids (obviously much older now) are safe. My heart goes out to the people of Samoa.

John Baglow

Children on Fiafia(Celebration)Night at Saleapaga's Faofao Beach Fales, South Coast, Upolu, Samoa

Update Day 3: Saleapaga Village – Legalo Family

Relief Fund Set Up for Legalo Family

One of our readers Don has posted the  following message for those  of you wanting to know about the Legalo family of Saleapaga in Aleipata.

From Don

Like many of you, my life has been deeply touched by the Legalo family of Saleapaga, and I am anxiously awaiting any word about them.

So far, I’ve found what I believe is some good news: mention of a conversation a reporter had with Koroseta (mis-spelled toward the end of the article as Crosette Laegalo). I hope this means she is safe.

Here is the link:


Here’s the excerpt in the story he quotes:

“…Ave Tualania said four members of his extended family, including children JJ, 3, and Marilyn, almost one, had been lost.

William Sasulu, at Salepage, had managed to save two of his young sons but the body of the third, Jamie, aged three years and nine months, had yet to be recovered.

“There were 15 people in the house. All got out but Jamie, and I had to get to the roof with one of my other sons in my arms,” he said.

Crosette Laegalo, also at Salepage, said there had been 300 people in the village and it had been flattened. She had run a tourist business and a supermarket and had just ordered in $6000 worth of stock including, tables, chairs and sinks. It had all been lost and there was no insurance, she said.” [Wollondilly Advertiser]

Update: Saleapaga Village on Day 2 Tsunami Aftermath

Relief Fund Set Up for Faofao Beach Fales Legalo Family Saleapaga

Update 2 October:

Since this was first posted 1st October, media reports quoting people from Saleapaga, such as Reverend Uaea Isaraelu, say 30 confirmed dead in the village of Saleapaga.

This village is in the district of Aleipata and as you’re read, the village has now been relocated on the mountain, after it was destroyed by the tsunami.

One of our readers has family in Saleapaga and kindly answered my questions. She also provides answers for another one of our readers Daniel and Elisebetta Bertani from Italy who has been enquiring about a Mr Fauena in the village.

I heard that Saleapaga was destroyed yesterday. Is that correct? What is the state of the village?

Saleapaga, like Lalomanu and all other villages in the Aleipata district have been hit badly

We have been fortunate enough to have made contact with many of our relatives there.
Majority of the village are now located on the Mountain behind the village.

How his your uncle’s wife now? Is she getting care in the hospital?

We have no current news about my Auntys condition. But we do know she is being treated in Apia hospital.

Do they know how many have died in Saleapaga?

Within our family at this present time 18 have been confirmed dead.
However with those still missing, this may not be the final number.
Other deaths in Saleapaga have yet to be confirmed.

Are rescuers there?

Aid has been given in the form of food, shelter (tents) + blankets.

Is there water and electricity?

There is currently no electricity + water.

What do they need?

Aid in the form of food, water,clothing + other basic necessities are needed.

In relation to “Daniel Bertani” post.

There is a Fauena Jr (Faaligas son) who is one of the missing.
Im not too sure whether he was refering to Fauena Jr or Fauena Sr (who is in NZ)

I hope this is sufficient enough to answer your questions.

Our prayers + thoughts are with all in Samoa.

Good bless,

Please read comments for updates and additional information from readers.

Update 3 Saleapaga Legalo Family

Alofa Tele Atu: Thank You For The Supportive Emails; Welcome Aboard

I just have to say thank you for the kind and supportive emails about Pacific EyeWitness. If you are one of those who have emailed me in the last few days, alofa tele atu. Please accept this as a personal thank you note.

Also, thank you so much to Jae Stowers, business development manager at ANZ’s Pacific Business Segment. Read the rest of this entry »

Pacific Academic Awarded Companion of the Queen’s Service Order

Congratulations to Misatauveve Dr Melani Anae.



Misatauveve Dr Melani ANAE, of Auckland

For services to the Pacific Islands community.  Melani Anae is involved in teaching and research in the areas of ethnicity, health, education, Pacific research methodologies, and Pacific approaches to a broad range of social issues.  Read the rest of this entry »

Samoa Government Minister Released From Custody; Interview with Brother

Radio Australia broadcast an interview this week with the brother of Samoa’s Associate Minister of Trade and Commerce Hans Joachim Keil. He has been released from detention in the United States. Mr Keil was arrested on immigration charges and taken into custody in Missouri while visiting family in US. Read the rest of this entry »

National Health Foundation: Heart Disease Leading Cause of Death for Women



Alarming new research shows 74 per cent of New Zealand women are unaware heart disease is by far their leading cause of death.

On average, seven New Zealand women die from heart disease every day and the Heart Foundation says it is time New Zealand women became aware of the problem.

Consumer Link poll results show a clear majority of women (60 per cent) mistakenly believe breast cancer is their leading cause of death.  In reality, women are four times more likely to die of heart disease.

Heart Foundation Medical Director Professor Norman Sharpe says that like breast cancer, heart disease is a real issue for all women, with younger women in particular needing to take heed of this red alert.

“Unfortunately there is a common misconception that heart disease is just a ‘man’s disease’.  It isn’t,” says Professor Sharpe.

“We want to alert women to the statistics, encourage them to talk to their doctor about their heart health, and inform them that by taking practical steps now they can reduce their future heart disease risk,” he says.

September 22 marks the start of the Heart Foundation’s Go Red for Women campaign week – a nationwide effort to boost awareness of heart disease in women, and to raise vital funds for prevention, education, research and cardiac care.

Professor Sharpe says it is tragic that heart disease claims the lives of seven New Zealand women every day.

“The Go Red for Women campaign emphasises the good news – that much of this loss of life and disability is preventable.”

“Most women in New Zealand are not aware of the risk of heart disease and all too often symptoms go undetected because they are too focused on the welfare of others. This has to change,” says Professor Sharpe.

The data also shows a dangerously poor understanding of the risk posed by smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes.

As part of a global initiative by the World Heart Federation, and with support from the Go Red For Women campaign’s major sponsor Jennian Homes, the Heart Foundation aims to increase awareness of heart disease in women, encourage all women to look after their hearts, and reduce the severity of these alarming statistics.

World Heart Day is being marked on Sunday, September 28.

5 ways to look after your heart:
•       Have a heart health check: take the Heart Foundation’s online risk quiz at to see if you need to visit your practice nurse or GP for a heart health check

  • Get to know your numbers: find out your cholesterol level, blood pressure and waist circumference
  • Quit smoking: it is the single most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease
  • Heart healthy eating: enjoy a variety of foods from the heart healthy food groups

•       Be active everyday: regular, moderate physical activity is good for the heart.  The Heart Foundation recommends that you include at least 30 minutes or more on most, or all days of the week

Backgrounder on Maungakiekie Electorate; Q & A with Pacific Candidates; Lotu-Iiga and Lole-Taylor

Auckland’s Maungakiekie electorate includes the suburban communities of Penrose, Ellerslie, One Tree Hill, and the Panmure Basin. It was partly redrawn in 2007 and now also includes Royal Oak, Onehunga, and Point England.

The seat is currently held by Labour MP for Maungakiekie Vui Mark Gosche who’s stepping down from politics to be closer to his family in Auckland. Vui has served as electorate MP for Maungakiekie for 8 year…winning a 6450 voting majority over his nearest rival, National’s Paul Goldsmith. The latter scored less than 10,000 votes. Read the rest of this entry »