Habit for Humanity Seeking Builders & Trades To Help Samoa Rebuild Homes

If there is a story that has given me hope for Samoa today, this is it. This puts a smile on your face reading an announcement like this. Wish I was a builder given how valuable those skills are in a disaster zone. Makes you really grateful for all the builders and tradesperson in the country, that’s for sure.

Habitat News

Project Samoa Hope - Habitat for Humanity New Zealand responds to disaster

Project Samoa Hope – Habitat for Humanity New Zealand responds to disaster

Habitat for Humanity New Zealand has announced today that it is responding to the Samoan Tsunami Disaster.

Habitat is sending a disaster relief expert with significant experience from the South Asia tsunami to Samoa to quickly assess the need for both emergency and long term shelter, and link with local agencies as they plan for the ongoing rebuilding work.

Habitat has considerable experience in rebuilding tens of thousands of homes after the South Asia tsunami of December 2004.

An appeal has been launched for funds to help with both emergency shelter provision and the rebuilding of homes.

Habitat is also seeking expressions of interest from volunteer builders and trade persons who are able to go to Samoa and help with the cleanup and rebuilding. These can be sent to information@habitat.org.nz.

Dates cannot be finalised until assessment of need and conditions is completed in Samoa, but Habitat will keep all interested parties informed of progress so that Kiwi teams can go to Samoa when the timing is right.

Habitat’s NZ Chief Executive, Pete North, says that this disaster has touched many families here in New Zealand as well as Samoa and Habitat New Zealand will lead the Habitat response in the reconstruction process.