Noticeboard: Searching for Loved Ones from Amaile Village, Aleipata

If you have heard any updates on how the village of Amaile is doing from your families, please let us know at or post a comment on this post. Thank you very much.

please help
if you have any information whatsoever
we are trying to get in contact with the village of Amaile,
and especaily our aunt Senia Vaimasanuu and her 5 children.

all information is appreciated. thank you and God bless.

Vaimasanuu Family, Hawaii.

3 Comments on “Noticeboard: Searching for Loved Ones from Amaile Village, Aleipata”

  1. Fonofili Muaava says:

    Hi everybody, I am glad to hear from you. Don’t worry she’s okay with the kids but if you have enough send some money or whatever you can afford

    take care
    aunty fili

  2. vaimasanuu says:

    thank you so much vienna richards ! you’ve eased our pain a bit. and we will keep upated. take care, GOD bless.

  3. says:

    Talofa Vaimasanuu family,

    I got a telephone number from Samoa Telecom for what I thought was the village phone number for Amaile but it says it’s a changed number, but gives no new number.

    I did ask the operator if Amaile was still standing and he said yes. I asked him if there were any known deaths there. He said no. That’s what he said so I hope it’s correct. If I hear from others on the ground who can verify that, that’ll be great. I’ll let you know if any additional information comes through. Keep checking the website and people’s posting.

    Alofa tele atu
    Vienna Richards

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