Official Statement: US Senator Daniel K. Akaka of Hawaii on Today’s Events

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Archive Photo: (L-R) Rear Admiral William Van Meter Alford, Chief of Staff at the U.S. Pacific Fleet Command, Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, and U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) attend the Memorial Day Ceremony at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific May 30, 2005 in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Photo by Marco Garcia/Getty Images).

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka of Hawaii issued the following statement today:

“Mahalo to all the people in Hawaii who have been working together and following the advice of emergency officials to get through this natural disaster as safely as possible.  My staff and I have been working since this morning monitoring the situation.  We have been in contact with FEMA and civil defense.

“The last major disaster to hit Hawaii was in 1992 when Hurricane Iniki caused billions of dollars in damage.  We were reminded that when a disaster happens in Hawaii, we need to be prepared to take care of ourselves.  We have no neighbors that can quickly come to our aid.

“I worked to establish the FEMA Pacific Area Office headquartered in Honolulu in order to protect our remote island communities, and I have fought attempts to close it.  FEMA now has supplies that are prepositioned in Hawai`i at its Pacific Area Office warehouse.  This office is critical for disaster preparedness and response throughout the Pacific Region.

“My thoughts and prayers are with everyone touched by the earthquake and in Chile and the tsunami in the Pacific.”

For updates on Senator Akaka’s statements

Photos: Protests As President Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize; Other Nobel Laureates Awarded

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[tweetmeme] New York photos by Chris Hondros/Getty Images.
NEW YORK – Protesters from the group The World Can’t Wait demonstrate during a ‘coffin march’ against U.S. President Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize after his announcement of a troop surge in Afghanistan December 10, 2009 in New York. Obama accepted the controversial prize in Oslo, Norway today

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OSLO, NORWAY:  U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wave from behind bullet proof glass on the balcony of the Grand Hotel to the crowds who had gathered outside for the traditional torchlight procession today in Oslo, Norway. Obama today accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, saying he is humbled by the award and receives it with an ‘acute sense’ of the cost of war. Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images. Read the rest of this entry »

Photos: USA Fort Hood Victims Farewelled By Nation, President and Families

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Army Spc. Brian Hill bows during  memorial service for the 12 soldiers and one civilian killed at Fort Hood U.S Army Post near Killeen, Texas, November 10 2009. Army Major Malik Nadal Hasan reportedly shot and killed 13 people, 12 soldiers and one civilian, and wounded 30 others in a rampage on November 5 at the base’s Soldier Readiness Center where deploying and returning soldiers undergo medical screenings. UPI/Tannen Maury/Pool Photo via Newscom. Content © 2009 Newscom All rights reserved.

Editor’s Note: At Fort Hood, with its high Samoan military population, has readers based there. So, it is with them in mind that we publish these photos and honour the victims. Our deepest respect and condolences to all those who mourn their passing.

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